Christian Teachings Revisited: A Brief Review Highlighting Ageless Christian Experience

christian teachings revisited

This book, Christian Teachings Revisited, covers familiar but crucial and decisive topics such as the salvation of our souls and the future of the saved ones in Christ after the Millennium. I don’t expect those non-religious and atheists around to have a little interest in this paper but I considered them nevertheless in writing this book. Its subtitle reflects this commitment: “32 Christ-Uplifting Chapters for Both the Truth-Seekers and the Skeptics.” The skeptics and atheists are welcome to benefit or attack (as they please!) this material. What is important is that this humble author wrote this work with both the truth-seekers and atheists in his mind and heart. For Christ taught that “the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)

Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God


Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 20th, 2022

Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God: An Exposition on the Triumphant Existence of the Godly People as Outlined in the Holy Scriptures.



Let’s Beat Our Adversities


Your life runs on a guiding principle that you may not be interested in fixing or discarding altogether. Life is God-given, and He alone can beautify it. Proverbs 14:12 says: “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” “There is a way” or Guiding Principle that is essential to the joyous fulfillment of our life journey. This 277-page book, “Overcoming Adversities by the Power of God,” seeks to give the reader the wisdom to understand life’s circumstances and ordeals and how to beat our sufferings with the wisdom of the Good Book.

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