Free eBook Downloads

Jun P. Espina         3 min read

Written on November 19, 2022

Let Us Help Spread the Message

This site intends to give away free eBook and audiobook downloads regularly if time permits me to do so. As a born-again Christian, my goal is to share Christ’s gospel with the world, and the Internet helps me do just that. The tagline of this website,, is “Find a Quick Way to a Peaceful Life.” That is the message I have pledged to spread, which is the Word of Christ for everyone since He is the Way to peace and eternal life.

All of my free materials include discussions of topics that many non-Christians consider taboo. Christ is hated in this world, and His message and messengers are treated like viruses. In most Islamic countries, radicals physically persecute Christians. That is how the truth is hated by those who love darkness and demon-inspired teachings.

My goal is to offer free Christian downloadable materials. They are unappealing without the hand of our Lord on them because the world has rejected everything Christ-related. But we are commanded to share the good news of our Lord, regardless. So, here I am. Because you’ve read this far, I know you enjoy our Lord’s Word as much as I do.

We Regard Our Free Downloads to be Gospel Sharing

The alarming trend of gospel sharing on social media is that everyone has a pulpit. Spurgeon once said that he craved the oldest biblical materials, such as books that were published 200 years before his birth. Today’s biblical teachings are simply contaminated with everything extreme. “Extreme or irresistible grace” is the modern hyper-Calvinist obsession, and the “extreme works of the Holy Spirit,” is the fanatical Pentecostals’ persuasion. We represent the camp of the saved-by-faith belief system without the cloak of either predestination or give-me-a-sign Christian teaching.

Modern Christians are famished with pure and simple faith-in-Christ theology because most preachers, to appear Internet-dipped, preach doctrines that can lead to heresy. God commanded us not to entertain false doctrines. The apostle Paul said,

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!” (Gal. 1:8-9)

Blurb of My Book Titled, “17 Essential Principles to Live By”

“Prayer is the old-fashioned way of dealing with life’s challenges, but the post-Christian guy is hell-bent on ignoring everything biblical and spiritual. The Christian tradition of involving God in all aspects of life appears to have been superseded by the Internet. In the coming years, robots will become the new gods. Christian writings will become rare commodities and more sought after.

“We need basic Bible education to enable us to face the storms of life through faith in the Almighty. Our faith in God must anchor on the integrity of His promises in the Holy Scriptures because “it is impossible for God to lie.” (Heb. 6:18) Faith without biblical evidence is just undisguised fanaticism.

“There is a part of life that is mysterious. For example, a family went on vacation, and everyone died in a plane crash except the youngest child. Or, all the siblings died of hypertension before age 60, and only one was left alive, who is now 90 years old. Life is full of amazement. That is why we should always know where and how to contact God in our walk in this world.”

This book, along with the two others mentioned here, will be released for free download.



I want to give these three eBooks away as a FREE DOWNLOAD for a limited time before they are published. The book, “14 TIPS TO PROMOTE LOVE & FAMILY HARMONY: Family Focus Made Simple,” will be released first.
17 Essential Principles to Live By
:17 Essential Principles to Live By: Rules for Happiness in the Race of Life
the safest route to eternal bliss
Safest Route to Eternal Bliss: Exploring the Truth About Christ’s Promised Eternal Life



free ebook
This book contains 93 pages (5″ x 8″) and 15,900 words (font-size: 12 px). Its file size is 1 MB. Soon to be finished for FREE DOWNLOAD.
“No one dares to claim a cure-all therapy for love and family conundrums. This material intends to provide some Christian perspectives that are defamed by people’s natural animosity toward everything biblical. Somehow, this book, ’14 TIPS TO PROMOTE LOVE & FAMILY HARMONY: Family Focus Made Simple,’ may reach God-seeking hearts, who believe there is an element of mystery and divinity in this God-given gift called ‘life.'”


Please write in the comment section below concerning Christian teachings you want me to expound on and share on this website.

Read More: About the Author and His Little Known Journey



About Jun P. Espina

Jun P. Espina loves nature, music, painting, and poetry, but couldn’t find inner joy during his first 27 years of life. After his father’s death, he taught in college and met religious friends who couldn’t satisfy his search for meaning. In 1984, he was converted to the biblical Christian faith. He married his girlfriend, Virgie, the following year—God blessed them with three children—and served Christ as a believer in different spaces of the Christian ministry. After over 30 years of orthodox Christianity, he wrote a few Christian eBooks in his home in Davao City. Sometimes his four little grandchildren played with their smartphones by his side. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, or at

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