About the Book Reflecting on the Word

Jun P. Espina         2 min read

Written on April 19, 2023

I wrote the book, “Reflecting on the Word: A Journey Through Scripture’s Most Meaningful Passages,” in a placid spirit since most of its chapters have already been saved on my hard disk for almost 30 years. Writing it was like erecting a log cabin with all the needed building materials already cut and piled up at the construction site. It was a book that chronicled how God dealt with me and how He had trained me to understand His word. Our Lord Jesus said in John 6:45, “And they shall all be taught of God.” As a born-again Christian for over 30 years now, I know that every biblical truth I treasure in my heart and share in this paper came through the illumination of the Holy Spirit. I know nothing about the Word of God, but the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ helped me understand it.

Reflecting on the Word: Don’t be Swallowed by Your Theology

I have been a listener in the church since I retired from my preaching career, and all I noticed was the struggle of most preachers in looking for a biblical sermon idea. They were like being trained in the seminary, where “theology is king.” I had a friend who had memorized his church doctrines like he was going to take the bar exam. But when you asked him something that deviated from his tanked Bible teachings, he would become clueless, like a cabdriver without GPS. That is how most modern preachers have turned out to be these days. They cannot speak for Jesus since their theology has swallowed them.

Read Also: Our Source of Strength in this Life

Always seek Christ’s glorification in whatever we do. According to the Scriptures and my personal experiences, it is a way to get instruction from God. Paul wrote, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” (Col. 3:17; see also 1 Cor. 10:31.) Never exalt your church denomination or set of teachings, since our God is a jealous master. Glorify Christ if you want His friendship. He said it clearly concerning the role of the Holy Spirit as our truth Teacher. Our Lord said,

“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me. (John 16:12-14a)

Experience the Power of Biblical Teachings with This Free Faith-Based eBook

Learn about major Christian principles such as the death and resurrection of Christ, the salvation of the soul, and many other critical ideas in this thorough book. Each chapter is written with the intention of giving you a comprehensive grasp of the subject at hand. It is supported with scriptural references that make it clear how these teachings are based on the Bible.




    About Jun P. Espina

    Jun P. Espina loves nature, music, painting, and poetry, but couldn’t find inner joy during his first 27 years of life. After his father’s death, he taught in college and met religious friends who couldn’t satisfy his search for meaning. In 1984, he was converted to the biblical Christian faith. He married his girlfriend, Virgie, the following year—God blessed them with three children—and served Christ as a believer in different spaces of the Christian ministry. After over 30 years of orthodox Christianity, he wrote a few Christian eBooks in his home in Davao City. Sometimes his four little grandchildren played with their smartphones by his side. Find him on Facebook, Twitter, or at www.junespina.com.

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