
Why is it that so many bright people trust in Christ for their eternal future? The biblical answer is that they received Christ’s Spirit after believing in Him. The apostle said, “And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago.



What if COVID-19 would his and kill us this year? The year 2021 is riskier than other years in our lifetime. Big governments tell us that. True or not, we must prepare spiritually for any eventuality. We could be hit anytime since COVID-19 is unseen—it is unpredictable as lightning particularly in countries with poor hospital equipment and resources. Where shall we go should this virus put us to sleep forever? The first question which a sensible old person—taking maintenance drug—should ask while in the hospital bed is, “Can I get out of this place alive?”

The Christian Doctrine of Finding True Happiness


But since the birth of Christianity, the true followers of our Lord have experienced this Christian doctrine of Spirit-caused calmness of the soul. They wrote songs and hymns hundreds of years ago with the same lyrical subject of joy in the Lord, and churches have used them in their services until now.

Moving Forward in Life With Confidence


Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on November 18th, 2022

Have Confidence and Move Forward

THE ONLY PROVEN method to move forward in life with confidence is not the recipe for a college education, a good job, or a bountiful inheritance. Life is God-given; we cannot isolate it from God’s mysterious nature and qualities.

Our love for our family, for example, is priceless. It can neither be bought, copied, nor duplicated. In Steve Jobs’ last words [some said Jobs did not say it!], he mentioned how worthless his wealth and fame were compared to his loved ones.

God is love; He taught us to love with an intense feeling of affection that bears the mark of God’s imprimatur. Why do young kids make us happy? We see the joy in their baby talk and artless entertainment. It is because “God loves the little children.” Why are we indignant with robbers, rapists, and even the bad-mouthing of our leaders and friends? Well, it is on account of God’s hatred of what is sinful and evil.

Cruelty fills us with revulsion. We are made in God’s image, full of our maker’s fingerprints. We can feel His anger. Hence, we can move forward in life with confidence only in the mighty hand of God—only if we believe we are safe in His loving arms. The apostle Paul wrote: “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?” (Rom. 8:31)

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